Premiere Collaboration with the Fabulous Detroit Youth Choir

When we launched "Will You Hear Me Now?" in May of '23, our first goal was to find and invite a group of focused, creative young people to express their feelings about gun violence in song. Using all the money we raised in our GoFundMe drive, some seed funds from WYHMN partner Entertainment Industries Council, and the generosity of film industry contacts, we spent an intensive weekend workshopping "The Song" which has since become our team's most visible anthem.
With guidance from composer, Small Voices Foundation's Jim Papoulis, the young authors of "Will You Hear Me Now?" wrote the lyrics and melody in one weekend, then sang it out with all blazing power of their Season 14 "America's Got Talent" finalist performance.

We remain eternally grateful to The Choir for helping us launch "Will You Hear Me Now?" and lending us the profile we need to extend our important messaging and mission.
Read more about the project that put our efforts to amplify the voices of American kids on the map.