June is National Gun Violence Awareness Month

Newest WYHMN team member Meher reflects on Gun Violence Awareness Month.
Moms Bonded by Grief founder Terrez McCleary speaks for her daughter and niece who can no longer speak for themselves.
Philadelphia City Council President Kenyatta Johnson reflects on his own loss and the power of healing through support groups like "The Moms."
"Put the guns down for the kids' sake." Mom, Tammy Cross Hayward says what's on everyone's mind.
Williesha's son William was an honor student at Philly's Boys Latin" magnet school who wanted to be an engineer.
Lisa Harmon still says "He's the oldest of 4" because for her, there's no other way to process the loss of her son Alan.
Tanya Anderson represents son Tyeece, a gentle, loving son. Her message, "Put down the guns, pick up a book."
Sharon Smith represents son Dashan who was loving, loyal and from an early age, helped people less fortunate than himself.
Read about our emotional experience with Philadelphia's "Moms Bonded by Grief" support group and their annual healing garden event on June 8, National Gun Violence Awareness Day.